Apple rumored to be making a iOS watch

Apple is rumored to be experimenting with wrist watches that would run iOS and feature curved glass. This is just a rumor and the exact feature set is unknown but we can always speculate, and with major news publications relaying these rumours, they may have some truth to them. The source wasn’t named but it seems it could have been an Apple employee familiar with the prototypes who leaked the info, wishing to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
Corning, the company that makes the Gorilla Glass that is used on the iPhone, announced last year that it has been developing thin flexible glass for the last decade.
Wearable computers are predicted to be the next big thing. I currently wear a Nike FuelBand, Tim Cook, who is on the board of Nike, wears one also. Apple just might be interested in wearable computers too.
We all know Google is working on Google Project Glass, in its Google X labs and shared some details publicly about it at Google IO 2012 last year.
I assume Google Glass or the Apple Wrist Watch(if it is real) would extent your Android or iPhone as another display, and would let you access data really quick in a simple interface without taking your phone out of your pocket. Part of me thinks that Smart Glasses would be a better wearable computer since it would be looking at things as you look and give you more info about the stuff you’re seeing or do turn-by-turn navigation while walking on a sidewalk. Watches, on the other hand, would be great to check the current time (obviously), as well as stocks, weather and various notifications, like say from your calendar, unread email count or @replies to you on Twitter.
It would be cool to wear both Google Glass and Apple’s Watch but I have a feeling Google Glass would only work with an Android phone, and Apple watch would only work with an iPhone, so I guess if you wanted to wear both you would have to bring two phones with you. I hope that isn’t the case and wish companies would work together but it’s doubtful at this point.
I guess the next step after wearable computers will be implantable computers, then we can start making Cyborgs and programming Skynet! Anyways, what do you think the Apple iWatch would be, or wearable computing in general?
Source: New York Times