Yet Another YouTube redesign (Late 2013)
It’s almost the end of 2013 and YouTube is testing a another design. If you open YouTube not signed in with no cookies, you get a random chance to see this new design they are testing. YouTube seems to be always redesigning their site, this is like the 5th or 6th redesign? I lost count. Never seen a site go thought this many redesigns!

The home page looks cleaner and less cluttered it seems.

The watch page looks about the same.

Everything is pretty much the same, so mostly minor changes. One thing I did notice is the design seems a bit more responsive as I resized and moved between my 13″ and 22″ display, but sinking it down to mobile size didn’t shrink any more. I’m wondering how much more they plan to expand on this design and if some day the desktop and mobile site will be the same site but with responsive design.
What do you think of the design changes so far?