Samsung pays $119.8M in damages
The jury has ruled in favor of Apple on 3 patent infringements, BUT did rule in favor of Sams
ung on 1 infringement by Apple of Samsung’s patents and was ordered to pay $158,400.
The jury found that:
- all Samsung devices infringe on Quick Links patent ’647
- all Samsung devices infringe on Predictive Text patent ’172
- some Samsung devices infringe on Slide to Unlock patent ’721
- Samsung did not infringe on Universal Search patent ’959
- Samsung did not infringe on Background Sync patent ’414
- Apple did infringe on Video Transmission patent ’239
- Apple did not infringe on Camera & Folder Organization patent ’449
Apple did not receive the $2.2B they were hoping for, but they did get the ruling (for the most part) and that’s what I think it was really about for Apple.