100% of the senate and 90% of the house are on Twitter

Twitter reported that 100% of the senate and 90% of the house are on Twitter for the 113th Congress compared to the 112th congress which was only 44% of the senate and 35% of the house on Twitter.

Over the past 4 to 6 years, social networks such as Twitter and Facebook have become widely used in American politics. Though people talked about issues and candidates before they were using social networks, it seems that social networks are helping people talk more about politics and brings in people who normally would not talk about politics since social networks give people a larger voice than ever before, and make it simple and convenient.

Over the past couple years people spoke up on social networks against things they didn’t support, as well as rallied behind things they did support. Things they didn’t support were issues such as SOPA and PIPA, etc. Things they did support included human rights, ending the war, etc.

How do you prefer to contact your elected officials to tell them how they are doing, or discuss an issue that’s very important to you? We can mail them using that antiquated thing called snail mail, we can call them, send them an email, tweet them or even sometimes meet them in person. We have so many more options available to us than our great grandparents did.

I myself would use email, phone and Twitter, or even meeting them in person at a public event. I don’t really care for snail mail, and you have to lick those nasty envelopes, yuck!

Source: Twitter’s Blog

Kevin Whitman

Kevin is a geek who is a web developer, entrepreneur. Interested in tech, startups, Photography, & more.

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