Role Changes
Over the past few years iGeekable has been in a state of flux. We are all very passionate about what we do and about tech news. We just haven’t been a very steady source of news. I want that to change. I’m currently in the process of finding new writers and people who have a passion for this to change that.
Staffing Changes:
-I will continue all my current jobs, and continue to serve as President. My new approach will be fully hands-on.
-Kevin has started to branch off and begin his own projects, so in an effort to begin his more hands-off involvement, he has released his Vice President position, and will serves as our lead Consultant.
-Aaron is now on staff to put out some more news based articles on a semi-daily basis, and is the interim Content director.
-Matt is now no longer on staff with the site.
-Jordan has begun his own site, but we are in talks to freelance for each other. He is no longer on staff. Be sure to check out his website: Sub-Recursive Industries.
Look for our next post with all job openings available, and be sure to contact us if you are interested.
Don’t forget that starting June 1st we are also accepting articles that may make it to the site. Be sure to email in your submissions, mail@igeekable.com.
Stay tuned for more updates and prepare for the June 1st launch of a new iGeekable.
Zac Murphy
CEO|Creative Director|Editor-in-Chief